About the Artist


I am a ceramicist who creates unique and exciting pieces that explore the mortality and vibrancy of the human condition. I employ hand-building, slip-casting techniques, and, sometimes, wheel-throwing. I am obsessed with slip-casting because this method makes the possibilities endless. I can create molds from my unique forms or found objects.  Throughout my ceramics journey, I have found inspiration in many forms, from Art history to nature's natural beauty and morbidness. These have helped me leave my comfort zone and explore different techniques and applications in my craft.

For this project I was inspired by the Pensacola Rocks that hit the area over the last several years.  I wanted to create something that could be shared in the same manner as the rocks, but would cause more of a discussion when someone finds one.  

I also want to see how many people will participate and send in pictures of locations where the Skullz are found.  When you find one of the Skullz you can choose to keep it, gift it, or let the Skullz continue on their adventure by hiding them somewhere new!